Sunday, August 21, 2011

Co Op Must Love Me

I'm pretty sure my local co op must love me. I feel like I'm keeping their doors open. Of course I know I'm not their sole source of income, but dang it, when I give them half my paycheck every week, it sure feel like I am!

I normally make four or five trips there every week because there's always something I've forgotten or run out of unexpectedly. Well, I stopped by the other morning because I was running low on horse feed and I needed to get a bag or two to get me through until the weekend which is when I normally stock up. I went in, they always greet me by my first name or "the goat lady" so I guess you could say we're on pretty friendly Anyway, Glenna, one of the ladies who works the front counter asked me what I needed that day and I said, "just a bag of horse feed today." She said $8.10.....I nearly fainted. $8.10!!!!! for one 50lb bag of horse feed that not more than a year ago I was paying $5.25 for! I noticed it had been going up a few cents every week, but that price was almost a dollar more per bag. I gained my composure, paid her, and proceeded to the back where my ticket is printed out for the guys to pull my feed and load it. The nice young fella got the dolly and was loading my feed and as he passed by me, I said, "you're gonna have to push me out on that thang cause I still ain't recovered from the price." He laughed and said, "hop on." I tell ya, I just about took him up on it.

Moving onto the weekend when I buy my big load of feed, I left Co Op feeling like I had donated a kidney. Goat feed is now $10.92/50lbs with rumensin or $11.42/50lbs without rumensin. I just don't understand why medicated feed would be cheaper, but I'm assuming it's because my goats hate it, therefore, I have to buy the more expensive bag. All in all, I gave Co Op $160 in one day! My husband says I'm crazy and that I should sell some of the animals, but as long as I can, I'm holding on. I have my goat herd down to 19 goats and two more are for sell. The horse population, however has increased to 7!!! Horses aren't worth the feed you feed them these days, you can't hardly give one away, but I love 'em and I'll keep mine.

I think I see a lot of part time jobs along with my full time job in my future :(

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