Thursday, May 12, 2011

I've heard the grass is greener on the other side but.....

I've heard the grass is always greener on the other side, but this is a whole other story.

Meet Coco, she is a three month old Oberhasli who, since the day she was born, has been ruling the roost of my dairy goat pasture. She really thinks it's all about her, no matter what "it" might happen to be.

My husband Keith recently put a roll of hay in the pasture, it was left over from the winter and needed to be used up so we could get ready for the fresh hay so we just left it in the middle of the field. The goats can nibble on it as they please, but this time of year they seem to prefer the greener roughage. Anyway, Coco chose to use this roll of hay as her ladder to reach the nice, juicy, green leaves of a tree. I only had my cell phone with me and couldn't get a real good picture, but I think you can tell what she's trying to do. She was hilarious, she would stretch her neck as far as she could then fall off, hop right back on, stand up on her hind legs, and fall off again. This continued for about 30 minutes until she realized I was laughing at her at which point she demanded that I pet her and give her grain which I obediently did to please her.

My goats are just a tad bit spoiled and Coco is the most spoiled as you can well imagine.

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